Publish your experience as a Pop-Up in Shopify

Once you have finalised your experience you can publish it in your Shopify site as Pop-Up.

If you have connected your site with our script when you click on Pop-Up you will see the URL of your site and you will then be able to setup your Popup to customise it and automatically activate it from Odicci. If you have not connected your site with our script you can publish your experience by inserting our javascript in the page of your choice.

Here we have selected a banner popup and have already configured the style and position of the popup. Under the menu Trigger you will be able to automatically insert the popup into your site. Here the pop-up has been added to only one page. You can add the popup to multiple pages if you'd like as well.

Once you save your popup is ready and is live. If the experience is unpublished then the popup will not be displayed.

Related articles:
Connect your Shopify site with Odicci