How to process a Subject Access Request (SAR)


Under the GDPR, contacts can ask to see all of the data you hold on them - known as a Subject Access Request (SAR). The platform gives you the tools to ensure you can comply with this. 

Steps to process a Subject Access Request

To export the data you need to send to a contact, follow these simple steps in Odicci:

Go to Report, enter the email address of the contact in question and click on search:

  1. Select entries that you want to do a SAR on - you can select all entries at once
  2. Click on export if you want to receive a list with all details from a particular individual
  3. You'll be asked to authenticate your account; please do so to continue
  4. Click on Download again and a zip file will be sent to you via your registered email
  5. Open it to access a CSV file containing all of the contact's data that's stored in your contact data fields.

You'll then be able to send this information to the contact.