

Profile your audience through an interactive survey.


To create a Profiler go to New Experience > +Create from scratch > Profiler

After completing the set-up options, it has a Profiles tab where you can create multiple Profiles based on the campaign.

Build / Studio

Within the microsite builder under > BUILD you can then directly add the form field To add the Multi text and Multi Image frames used for survey. Profiler can be used in Multi text and Multi image as above. Based on the inputs provided by the user, a profile is picked for the user.

Reporting - You can go into the report tab and check the statistics of all reports along with profile data as below. To learn more about reporting click here.

Offline / Online - For offline / online experience please check here

Integration - Check the integration box for integrating to CRM and the integration can be done in the Confirm screen. Additionally check the "Synchronise NON OPT-IN entries" if opt-in entries needs to be synced to the experience.

Publishing - Once the build is finalised the experience can be published in the Confirm screen. Pop up, Iframe and Facebook codes are also available in the Confirm screen which makes it easy to embed the experience.