Odicci Substitution / Personaliation Tags

Substitution / Personalisation tags are piece of code used into the email / success frames to embed the dynamic value of the corresponding field.

Some of the most and commonly used tags are below:


Substitution / Personalisation Tags

Email %%Email%%
Email address %%Email_address%%
Firstname %%Firstname%%
Lastname %%Lastname%%
Surname %%Surname%%
Name %%Name%%
Unique code %%unique_code%%
Country %%Country%%
Age %%Age%%
Title  %%Title%%
Telephone  %%Telephone%%
Store  %%Store%% 
Voucher  %%voucher%%
Secure Customer id  %%secure_customer_id%%
Experience id %%experienceid%%
Drop Score %%drop_score%%
Pinball Score (in Success Frame) %%Pinball%%
Pinball Score (in Email Template) %%pinball%%
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Please note: All personalisation tags are case sensitive.