Settings - Data Retention


On the Data Retention settings screen, you can:

  • enable data retention, which disables any automatic deletion of data in your account
  • enable data deletion, which will delete your data at an interval you define for your account
  • view the history of entries that have been deleted 
  • export all entries available on your account
  • delete all entries on your account.

How can I access the Data Retention screen?

To access the "Data retention" screen:

  1. Go to Odicci admin menu (at the top-right corner of the screen) and click "Settings"
  2. From the side panel on the left, click "Data retention".

What is a data retention policy?

A data retention policy is a set of guidelines that helps organisations keep track of how long information must be kept and how to dispose of the information when it’s no longer needed. The policy should also outline the purpose for processing the personal data. This ensures that you have documented proof that justifies your data retention periods.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), organisations must create a data retention policy to help them manage the way they handle personal information. If you keep sensitive data for too long – even if it’s being held securely and not being misused – you may still be violating requirements of the GDPR.

These days it costs practically nothing to store customer data, but keeping it unnecessarily exposes it to security threats. This is why within Odicci we have a standard data retention policy for 90 days (3 Months). Within Odicci it is also possible to not store any data at all. Usually this is implemented when an integration with a marketing database is available.

How can I set up my data retention policy?

To configure your own data retention policy in Odicci:

  1. In your account go to "Settings" and then select "Data Retention".
  2. On the screen, make sure the toggle next to "Enable Data Retention" is set to the right.
  3. For the "Delete data every" option, set the desired time limit to keep your data.
  4. From the "Data fields to delete" section, select the data fields whose data you want to configure to be automatically deleted by ticking the appropriate boxes.

How can I export all entries available on my account?

To export all entries on your account:

  1. In your account go to "Settings" and then select "Data Retention".
  2. From the "Export All Entries" popup, complete the form:
    1. Format: Select whether you want to export all entries from your account to a CSV or Excel file.
    2. Send to: Provide the email address of your login.
    3. Password: Enter the password for your login.
    4. Export Unique Entries: Select this option if you do not want to export any duplicate entries.
  3. Click "Export".

How can I view my deletion history?

To view a list of all the entries deleted on your account:

  1. In your account go to "Settings" and then select "Data Retention".
  2. Click the "History" icon. 

You will land on the "Deletion" history page, which will indicate:

  • which experiences a record was deleted from
  • the type of data field it originated from
  • the date it was acquired
  • the account it was deleted from

How can I delete all entries from my account?

To delete all entries on your account:

  1. In your account go to "Settings" and then select "Data Retention".
  2. Click the "Delete" icon.
  3. In the confirmation popup, enter "DELETE" in the field.
  4. Click "Confirm".

Historical reporting

When you choose to delete all data, your database will be empty and therefore historical reports will be unavailable. If you'd like to still access certain parts of the reporting best is to anonymise data as described so that you can still access the historical reporting of your experiences.