Settings - Users

To access sites go to ODICCI Admin followed by Settings and click onto Users.

You must create roles first in order to create a User.

Adding a new role

  1. Click on the ‘Roles’ tab and then ‘Add New Role’
  2. Give your role a name
  3. Role resources is where you can choose where in the platform that role can have access to. Simply check the boxes you want to grant access to for this user.
  4. Review and click Save
  5. Once you have created a role, you will see it appear in the table.

Any last changes you make to that role will be logged.

You can view/edit/delete a role by clicking the icons under the Actions column.

Adding a new user

  1. Click on ‘Add New User’
  2. Fill in the fields
  3. Assign a role by selecting from the dropdown list
  4. Assign sites
  5. Once you have created a role, you will see it appear in the table.

Confirmed column: when a new user is created, they will receive an email where they are required to confirm access to their account.

Status: shows whether that user account is activated or not. You can revoke access or grant access to a user through the Activate/Deactivate icon under Actions column.

You can search for a user by Email, First name and Last name.